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Food & Farm

The bridge between personal and planetary health

Our regenerative, hyper-local and simple food demonstrates a way of eating that continues the traditions of the past and supports our shared future. As we cultivate and restore the wellbeing of our planet Earth, we cultivate and restore the wellbeing within ourselves.

Our 'Soil to Gut' Menu

To grow and eat in a way that serves the health of people and the planet.

We journey well beyond the farm to table concept and delve deeper into our soils and our gut. We believe that the soils in which we grow food and our guts in which the food ends up, are one and the same.

Since the health and contents of the soil will inevitably end up in our bodies, we should treat them with the same care. Our locally sourced, home-grown and wild foraged ingredients reflect how we nourish the land and local environment. We keep our menus simple so that our incredible ingredients can take the stage.

Colourful salad bowl

Nourishing & Hyper Local

By serving simple, seasonal food, we allow the quality of the soil and therefore the ingredients to shine.

Simple recipes, with premium ingredients inspire others and make healthy and delicious food accessible. We love using raw ingredients as nature created them. We creatively include whatever the land offers to ensure zero waste, as nature wastes nothing. Simple also means no chemicals. We are organic in principle, although we don't believe we need a stamp on nature to prove it!

42 Mile Menu

We aim to source at least 80% of our food from within 42 miles.

Our 42-Mile vision is rooted in the belief that a local food system is better for people and the planet. Local means less packaging, less footprint, more seasonal, fresh and better relationships with our community.

We love to put ingredients grown or foraged on our land at centre stage, and we aim to source 80% of produce, year-round from within 42 miles. We love to support the local economy and we aim to support a healthy, resilient and regenerative food system.

Wild Foraging

"Our medicine grows under our feet and below our noses, we just have to choose to see it."

Our in-house foragers Tasha and Molly aim to ensure around 5% of our diet is harvested as nature intended from the wild, with as many as 25 different plants as well as wild mushrooms finding their way into dishes throughout the year's cycle. We even forage our own wild seaweed, 38 miles away on the Dorset coast.


A way of farming which promotes and restores the biodiversity of the land.

The 173 acres of our land is home to millions of lives. Although most of those lives are non-human, we see ourselves as part of nature and therefore need to nurture the land not only for ourselves but for the other living creatures we share it with.

We farm and manage the land in a way that increases the biodiversity, working with and as nature. We share the land and lake with beavers, otters, wild boar, deer and pine martens to name a few, and aim to ensure that there is plenty of habitat for them to thrive.

We've planted hundreds of nut trees and thousands of native trees across the land for both food and fuel, as well as nearly 1km of edible hedges, half an acre of orchards and half an acre of vegetables. We are also currently developing an outdoor mushroom farm, amongst the first in the UK!

Gut Health & Cooking

Some common foods we eat are actually quite difficult to digest in the gut so we soak and activate all our pulses and nuts to ease digestion.

We also love fermentation and with almost every meal offer some homemade cultured foods to boost our gut flora with pre-biotics and pro-biotics. We never use refined sugar. Instead, we try to use natural sweetness from fruit or veg, or in some cases small quantities of low GI sugars like honey, maple syrup or coconut.

We cook everything from scratch, including all our own pickling and preserves, ferments and cakes.

Regenerative, Organic, & Permaculture Principles

We use permaculture principles across our farm and gardens. 100% of our food is either certified organic, or sourced from trusted producers who are pesticide free and organic in principle, but we don't feel like we need a stamp to prove it!

family having a picnic


We are all part of the food web, and when visiting 42 acres we invite guests to engage with their food beyond meal times. We offer both talks and hands on experiences in the gardens, kitchen, as well as foraging in the fields and forests. We love to share skills and knowledge and invite a deeper relationship between you and your food.